Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Year: 2024

Month: December

Request Number: A-2024-00066

Request Summary: Any and all documents related to site inspections of Best Theratronics Ltd. ("BTL") (413 March Rd, Kanata, ON, K2K 0E4) by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, since January 1 2024. About BTL (from BTL's ACR 2023): Best Theratronics Ltd. (BTL) is a medical device manufacturing company, located at 413 March road, of medical equipment used throughout the world. The main products that require the possession of a Class 1B license include: Cobalt 60-based external beam radiation therapy units, Cesium 137-based self-contained irradiators (SCIs) for blood or research irradiation, Cyclotrons with beam energies ranging from 6 to 70 MeV. In September of 2018, a renewal application was submitted to the CNSC for a period of 10 years, until June 30, 2029. Best Theratronics was granted a renewed Class 1B license on July 1, 2019.

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 151

Date modified: