Organization: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Year: 2025
Month: January
Request Number: A-2024-20788
Request Summary: We are interested in having statistics about start-up visa immigration program. Please provide statistical data for years (starting on 1 January and ending on 31 December) 2018 - 2023 and from 1 January 2024 until 28 November 2024, broken down by year: (1) The number of permanent residency applications under this program (a) submitted, (b) approved, (c) refused, and (d) currently in processing. (2) The number of work permit applications under this program (a) submitted, (b) approved, (c) refused, and (d) currently in processing. (3) The number of permanent residency applications approved that had also (a) applied for a work permit, (b) their work permit was approved, and (c) their work permit was refused. (4) The number of permanent residency applications refused that had also (a) applied for a work permit, (b) their work permit was approved, and (c) their work permit was refused. (5) The average processing time for permanent residency applications that have reached a final decision. (6) The average processing time for work permit applications that have reached a final decision.
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages: 20