Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

Year: 2024

Month: October

Request Number: A-2024-06032

Request Summary: Reference: RG77, Volume number: 309, Microfilm reel number: T-1743, File number: UAR/N80/001-050, File part: 1, File title: Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics - Reports on non-meteoritic sightings, unidentified flying objects, UFO's, Date: 1980/01/02-1980/02/09, Item ID number: 1765092 / Reference: RG77, Volume number: 309, Microfilm reel number: T-1743, File number: UAR/N79/091-142, File part: 2, File title: Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics - Reports on non-meteoritic sightings, unidentified flying objects, UFO's, Date: 1979/09/27-1980/01/03, Item ID number: 1765091 / Reference: RG77, Volume number: 309, Microfilm reel number: T-1743, File number: UAR/N80/051/100, File part: 2, File title: Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics - Reports on non-meteoritic sightings, unidentified flying objects, UFO's, Date: 1980/02/10-1980/04/29, Item ID number: 1765093 / Reference: RG77, Volume number: 309, Microfilm reel number: T-1743, File number: UAR/N80/101-150, File part: 3, File title: Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics - Reports on non-meteoritic sightings, unidentified flying objects, UFO's, Date: 1980/04/29-1980/09/10, Item ID number: 1765094 / Reference: RG77, Volume number: 309, Microfilm reel number: T-1743, File number: UAR/N80/151-200, File part: 4, File title: Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics - Reports on non-meteoritic sightings, unidentified flying objects, UFO's, Date: 1980/09/10-1980/12/08, Item ID number: 1765095 / Reference: RG77, Volume number: 311, Microfilm reel number: T-1744, File number: UAR/N81/069-139, File part: 2, File title: Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics - Reports on non-meteoritic sightings, unidentified flying objects, UFO's, Date: 1981/08/03-1981/11/30, Item ID number: 1765119 / Reference: RG77, Volume number: 311, Microfilm reel number: T-1744, File number: UAR/N81/140-146, File part: 3, File title: Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics - Reports on non-meteoritic sightings, unidentified flying objects, UFO's, Date: 1981/12/02-1982/01/19, Item ID number: 1765120 / Reference: RG77, Volume number: 311, Microfilm reel number: T-1744, File number: UAR/N83/001-060, File part: 1, File title: Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics - Reports on non-meteoritic sightings, unidentified flying objects, UFO's, Date: 1983/01/02-1983/08/06, Item ID number: 1765123 / Reference: RG77, Volume number: 311, Microfilm reel number: T-1744, File number: UAR/N82/105, File part: 2, File title: Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics - Reports on non-meteoritic sightings, unidentified flying objects, UFO's, Date: 1982/01/25, Item ID number: 1765124

Disposition: All excluded

Number of pages: 0

Date modified: