Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

Year: 2024

Month: October

Request Number: A-2024-03810

Request Summary: Reference: RG25-A-4, Volume number: 27581, File number: 5200-11, MF 15535, File part: 1, File title: Canadian Delegation - Framework Convention on Climate Change- Conference of the Parties First Session: Berlin - Matters Relating to Commitments, Date: 1995/03/28, Item ID number: 4081464 / Reference: RG25-A-4, Volume number: 27580, File number: 5200-11, MF 15534, File part: 1, File title: Canadian Delegation - Framework Convention on Climate Change- Conference of the Parties First Session: Berlin - Plenary and Matters Relating to Financial Mechanism, Date: 1995/03/28, Item ID number: 4081463

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 752

Comments: This release package is available for instant download. Please visit LAC's website:

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