Organization: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
Year: 2025
Month: January
Request Number: A-2024-01319
Request Summary: I would like the RPD decisions that led to the RAD decisions in the following 35 files: MB6-06516, MB9-30627, MC0-01406, MC0-08634, MC0-09070, MC0-10899, MC1-00651, MC1-07284, TB7-00121, TB7-02165, TB8-08227, TB8-09020, TB9-09331, TB9-11014, TB9-20790, TB9-21378, TB9-21524, TB9-32809, TC0-06028, TC0-06028 (appeal rev.), TC0-09305, TC0-09403, TC0-09959, TC1-00644, TC1-03264, TC1-09321, TC1-11982, TC1-12335, TC2-03152, TC2-11481, TC2-13871, VC1-00157, VC1-04913, VC1-06616 and VC1-08375. I would also like, for each of the 35 files, the IMM number or confirmation that each of the 35 files went through the Federal Court.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 454