Organization: Library and Archives Canada
Year: 2024
Month: August
Request Number: A-2023-07415
Request Summary: Reference: RG24, R112, Accession/BAN: 2023-00091-2, Box: 40, File number: 3350-1, File part: 5, File title: Op Abacus (Y2K), Record part of: Operational Records of the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) and predecessor commands [textual record], Date: 1998/09/01-1998/12/18, Item ID number: 5877607 / Reference: RG24, R112, Accession/BAN: 2023-00091-2, Box: 40, File number: 3350-1, File part: 6, File title: Op Abacus (Y2K), Record part of: Operational Records of the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) and predecessor commands [textual record], Date: 1999/01/14-1999/03/04, Item ID number: 5877607 / Reference: RG24, R112, Accession/BAN: 2023-00091-2, Box: 40, File number: 3350-1, File part: 7-8, File title: Op Abacus (Y2K), Record part of: Operational Records of the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) and predecessor commands [textual record], Date: 1999/04/01-1999/04/30, Item ID number: 5877607 / Reference: RG24, R112, Accession/BAN: 2023-00091-2, Box: 40, File number: 3350-1, File part: 9-10, File title: Op Abacus (Y2K), Record part of: Operational Records of the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) and predecessor commands [textual record], Date: 1999/05/06-1999/06/29, Item ID number: 5877607 / Reference: RG24, R112, Accession/BAN: 2023-00091-2, Box: 40, File number: 3350-1, File part: 11-12, File title: Op Abacus (Y2K), Record part of: Operational Records of the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) and predecessor commands [textual record], Date: 1999/07/01-1999/09/09, Item ID number: 5877607 / Reference: RG24, R112, Accession/BAN: 2023-00091-2, Box: 40, File number: 3350-1, File part: 13-14-15, File title: Op Abacus (Y2K), Record part of: Operational Records of the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) and predecessor commands [textual record], Date: 1999/09/10-1999/12/13, Item ID number: 5877607 / Reference: RG24, R112, Accession/BAN: 2023-00091-2, Box: 40, File number: 3350-165, File title: UN Peacekeeping, Record part of: Operational Records of the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) and predecessor commands [textual record], Date: 2002/11/12-2005/02/04, Item ID number: 5877607
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 1198
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