Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canada Border Services Agency

Year: 2024

Month: October

Request Number: A-2021-07826

Request Summary: The Canada Border Services Agency Enforcement Manual Part 3, Chapter 6, entitled Surveillance. The work order or any communication that authorized the website technician to remove "Section 14 - Procedures for Places of Worship from ENF 10 during the update that took place on or about February 24, 2017. Additionally all correspondence and documentation that occurred between January 1, 2010 and April 30, 2017, including emails, briefing notes, internal memoranda, directives, and guidelines relating to this removal. The email chain starting on October 30, 2014 regarding Outline for ENF 10" from Richard A. Dvorski to Richard St Marseille, and Nathan Dempster. This is limited to electronic records and excluded records requiring consultations with the Privy Council Office and Department of Justice.

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 62

Date modified: