Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

Year: 2025

Month: January

Request Number: A-2024-06413

Request Summary: Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 78-C-2 VFRC, 1996-97/906 GAD, Box: 2, File number: 29-2-3, File part: 8, File title: Comox, Date: 1964-1965, Item ID number: 5096892 / Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 78-C-2 VFRC, 1996-97/906 GAD, Box: 3, File number: 28-4-04978, File title: Int. [Interest] distribution - Comox, Date: 1960-1963, Item ID number: 5096913 / Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 78-C-2 VFRC, 1996-97/906 GAD, Box: 1, File number: 1-16, File title: Misc. federal & provincial legislation - Policy, Date: 1962-1964, Item ID number: 5096843 / Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 78-C-2 VFRC, 1996-97/906 GAD, Box: 4, File number: 3-6-3, File title: Band council resolutions - Comox, Date: 1965-1966, Item ID number: 5096935 / Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 78-C-2 VFRC, 1996-97/906 GAD, Box: 1, File number: 28-7, File title: Band budgets - Gen [General], Date: 1952/01-1964/12, Item ID number: 5096860 / Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 78-C-2 VFRC, 1996-97/906 GAD, Box: 4, File number: 28-7-342, File title: Budget - Comox, Date: 1964-1966, Item ID number: 5096949 / Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 78-C-2 VFRC, 1996-97/906 GAD, Box: 3, File number: 29-2-3, File part: 6, File title: Housing - Comox, Date: 1959-1963, Item ID number: 5096915 / Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 78-C-2 VFRC, 1996-97/906 GAD, Box: 1, File number: 29-2-3, File part: 7, File title: Comox - Housing, Date: 1963-1964, Item ID number: 5096863 / Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 78-C-2 VFRC, 1996-97/906 GAD, Box: 4, File number: 29-2-3, File part: 9, File title: Comox - Housing, Date: 1965-1966, Item ID number: 5096954 / Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 78-C-2 VFRC, 1996-97/906 GAD, Box: 3, File number: 31-4-1-11, File title: EP Painter Road right-of-way - Campbell River #11, Date: 1948-1963, Item ID number: 5096921

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 424

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