Organization: Library and Archives Canada
Year: 2025
Month: January
Request Number: A-2024-07456
Request Summary: Reference: RG10-B-8-j, Volume number: 11582, Microfilm reel: T-16083, File number: 141, File title: Ohamil Band - Lytton Agency - Membership list, Date: 1951/06, Item ID number: 2109839 / Reference: RG10-B-8-j, Volume number: 11583, Microfilm reel: T-16083, File number: 19, File title: Seabird Island Band - Lytton Agency - Membership list, Date: 1951/06, Item ID number: 2109865 / Reference: RG10-B-8-j, Volume number: 11583, Microfilm reel: T-16083, File number: 41, File title: Squawtits Band - Lytton Agency - Membership list, Date: 1951/06, Item ID number: 2109887 / Reference: RG10, Accession/BAN: 1985-86/490 GAD, VFRC#77-H-21 VFRC, Box: 6, File number: 987/37-2-33-61, File title: Estate of David Peters - Seabird Island Band - No. 61, Date: 1952, Item ID number: 5086692 / Reference: RG10-B-3-e-xvi, Microfilm reel: M-2770, File number: 987/37-2-38-1A, File title: Individual case files - Estates - Harry Joe Peters - Peters Band - Fraser District, Date: 1963-1967, Item ID number: 2302510 / Reference: R216-688-9-E, RG10-B-8-e, Volume number: 9931, Microfilm reel: C-7284, File title: Interest distribution paylists [textual record], Date: 1856-1982, Item ID number: 159440
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 201
Comments: This release package is available for instant download. Please visit LAC's website: