Organization: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Year: 2021
Month: April
Request Number: A-2020-00202
Request Summary: For all the nine ATIP Request Items regarding Gentilly II NPP, please provide associated Edoc Numbers, database record number(s), or screen shots. On October 27, 2009: Number of Authorized Nuclear Operator with a valid CNSC certification working for Hydro Quebec at Gentilly II NPP. Number of Authorized Nuclear Operator with a valid CNSC certification working for Hydro Quebec. On October 27, 2009: Licensing requirements of Gentilly II Nuclear Power Plant of the minimum number, at all time, of Authorized Nuclear Operators (ANO) with a valid CNSC Certification working at the Control Room. On October 27, 2009 and subsequently: Please provide information from year 2009 to 2014, when the report was issued by the IAEA in 2014. Country Coordinator email(s) or any other documents sent in any format including a database such as CERTS to the following NPP or Institution sent to: Any CNSC Staff Members. Pointe Lepreau NPP Officer concerning an October 27, 2009 Reportable Event. Ontario Power Generation Officer concerning an October 27, 2009 Reportable Event CANDU Owners Group Officer concerning an October 27, 2009 Reportable Event. International Atomic Energy Agency Officer concerning an October 27, 2009 Reportable Event, and North American Electricity Reliability Commission Officer concerning an October 27, 2009 Reportable Event.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 32