Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

Year: 2024

Month: December

Request Number: A-2024-08272

Request Summary: In 1970, Canadian author Kildare Dobbs was hired by Bernard Ostry of the Department of the Secretary of the State to write, among other things, a paper on citizenship and pluralism. Dobbs was writing this for the Secretary of State's "Citizenship Branch." Civil servants were divided on whether the draft paper should be tabled as a Green Paper, a White Paper, or tabled at all; it seems to have been scuttled. I am requesting a copy of the paper Dobbs authored. Ref: Kildare Dobbs, Running the Rapids: A Writer's Life (Toronto: Dundurn, 2005), 198-200

Disposition: All excluded

Number of pages: 0

Date modified: