Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

Year: 2023

Month: September

Request Number: A-2023-00913

Request Summary: Research to assist with identifying unmarked burial sites of the Royal Victoria Hospital and the Allan Memorial Institute, focusing on the origins of the Royal Victoria Hospital in the 1880s until today, particularly the years 1946-1964: "National Health Grants-Quebec - Hospital Construction Grant - Cecil Butters Memorial Hospital Austin (Brome County), Quebec [Confidential]", 1959-06-05-1959-11-25. Files of the Health Insurance and Health Grants Program. LAC - Ottawa, RG29, Box 1, File no. 604-3-225A. "ALLAN MEMORIAL INSTITUTE - PROVINCE DE QUEBEC, DISTRICT DE MONTREAL - PRESIDENT: L'HONORABLE JUGE BERNARD DE L. BOURGEOIS - DOCTEUR MARY MORROW, MEDECIN RESIDENT DE MONTREAL (DEMANDERESSE) VS. HOPITAL ROYAL VICTORIA ET LES HERITIERS LEGAUX ET/OU LA SUCCESSION DE FEU LE DOCTEUR EWEN CAMERON - ORLIKOWCASE - NO. 738-532 - 18 SEPTEMBRE 1978 - CAMERON, E", 1978-09-18. Miscellaneous briefing books. LAC - Ottawa, RG25-A-4, Volume 21964, File no. 81-3-ALLAN MEMORIAL INST, MF-6988, Item no. 4074398. "Mental Diseases", 1958/02-1972/06. Registry files from blocks 851 to 852. LAC - Ottawa, RG29, Volume 2972, File no. 851-4-300, Part no. 1[b]=1958/01-1959/12; 2=1960/01-1961/12; 3=1962/01-1965/04; 4=1965/05-1968/10; 5=1969/01-1972/06. "Medical and Hygiene - Prevention and Treatment of Nervous and Psychiatric Diseases", 1950-1963. Third Army Central Registry. LAC - Ottawa, RG24-C-1-c, Volume 32394, File no. 3848-2, Part no. 3. Québec - Mental Health Grant - Mental Hygiene Institute - McGill University, 1960-1962. National health grants. LAC - Ottawa, R227, RG29, Volume 3770, File no. R604-5-410.

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 2030

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