Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canada Energy Regulator

Year: 2021

Month: November

Request Number: A-2021-00017

Request Summary: Provide the following briefing documents: 1358866 Bi-annual Meeting with the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) – 11 August 2021 1357964 CEO Quarterly Meeting with TC Energy – 4 August 2021 1352288 Briefing Note for CEO and two Commissioners and re: Background information on CER electricity oversight and CER engagement in North American electricity reliability framework 1356919 CEO Monthly Meeting with Trans Mountain Corporation – 29 July 2021 1357807 Upcoming release of CER- and NRCan-funded report on propane supply chain resilience in Canada 1350645 CEO Quarterly Meeting with the BC Oil and Gas Commission – 29 June 2021 1349011 CEO Meeting with Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. (TNPI) – 21 June 2021 1350094 A Plan to Improve Accounts Receivable Collection Provide disclosure on an interim basis of each briefing note as it is finalized. Please provide the records digitally (via email or Canada Post epost if possible)

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 29

Comments: No

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