Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Women and Gender Equality Canada

Year: 2022

Month: June

Request Number: A-2022-00003

Request Summary: We are conducting a study of how freedom of information requests are processed across the country. To that end, we are requesting information relating to how these requests are dealt with by your office. Please provide us with an electronic (that is, machine-readable) record of all requests received between January 1, 2021 and end of day December 31, 2021, whether completed or not. Please include fields containing the following information: request number, request summary, type of requester (academic, media, etc.), whether the request is sensitive or contentious, date received, date request completed, disclosure decision, reason for time extension, extension duration in days, exemptions applied, whether it was subject to an appeal, and number of pages disclosed. We recognize your system may not capture all of these fields. If that's the case, please give us the fields you do have. Please provide in an electronic format such as Excel or delimited text (e.g. CSV). Do not provide PDF or image files.

Disposition: All disclosed

Number of pages: 10

Date modified: