Organization: Library and Archives Canada
Year: 2024
Month: July
Request Number: A-2024-00471
Request Summary: Reference: RG25-A-3-C, Volume number: 11525, File number: 28-4-UNGA-SPECIAL SESS, File part: 1, File title: Disarmament - International Organizations and Conferences - United Nations General Assembly - Special Session, Date: 1976/04/06-1977/04/15, Item ID number: 1868451 / Reference: RG25-A-3-C, Volume number: 11525, File number: 28-4-UNGA-SPECIAL SESS, File part: 2, File title: Disarmament - International Organizations and Conferences - United Nations General Assembly - Special Session, Date: 1977/04/16-1977/07/31, Item ID number: 1868451 / Reference: RG25-A-3-C, Volume number: 11525, File number: 28-4-UNGA-SPECIAL SESS, File part: 3, File title: Disarmament - International Organizations and Conferences - United Nations General Assembly - Special Session, Date: 1977/08/01-1977/12/31, Item ID number: 1868451 / Reference: RG25-A-3-C, Volume number: 11525, File number: 28-4-UNGA-SPECIAL SESS, File part: 4, File title: Disarmament - International Organizations and Conferences - United Nations General Assembly - Special Session, Date: 1978/01/01-1978/04/30, Item ID number: 1868451
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 1017
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