Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

Year: 2024

Month: December

Request Number: A-2021-01002

Request Summary: Training materials for the Immigration and Refugee Board's Gender Related Task Force. In particular, I am seeking a copy of the following material listed under the "Training for Members" section of the IRB's web-site: "The training for GRTF members lasts four weeks and is delivered by leading experts on refugee and immigration law on topics such as: - trauma-informed practice - trauma-informed decision making - questioning from a cross-cultural and trauma-informed perspective - cultural humility - assessing credibility - weighing of evidence. This training allows GRTF members to bring enhanced expertise and awareness to deciding gender-related claims." The website also states that the RPD "will ensure the respectful, trauma-informed, and consistent adjudication of gender-related claims. It will also identify, implement and refine best practices for adjudicating gender-related claims and share those best practices for adjudication broadly across the RPD." I am therefore also requesting materials used to train non-GRTF RPD Members on trauma-informed practice, decision making, cross-cultural humility/trauma informed questioning, assessing credibility and weighing of evidence. Timeframe for request: January 1, 2018 to September 16, 2021

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 503

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