Organization: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Year: 2025
Month: January
Request Number: AF-2024-00069
Request Summary: I am looking for information on the CMHC CHDP program - in particular relation to Toronto or Ontario or in general. Information includes anything relating to "land trusts", or to the determine of what is a "land trust" or what is not, and the fair ground rent to a co-op if a non-profit leases land to a co-op for the 20 years of the CHDP mortgage. Does a "land trust" actually need to have a co-operative, or does its status as a non-profit allow it to hire managers to operate the property for 20 years? I also want information including copies of application forms submitted in the GTA for projects, and on the selection process and the determination of what contractual terms between a land owner and a co-op are allowed or not allowed as part of the funding determina
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages: 828