Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada
Year: 2024
Month: November
Request Number: A-2024-01935
Request Summary: The total budget that has been allocated for ESDC’s Benefits Delivery Modernization program since January 2023 to October 2024, and an inventory of publicly visible releases since that time. A yearly total amount is one for "Total budget". (eg, 2022-2023: 301.4 million, etc.) A release could mean a new product or service, a new feature in an existing product or service, a significant improvement to an existing feature (eg, waiting time for X reduced by 90%), or public information about new services. An announcement of a future program/service/feature would not qualify as a release by this definition. Information on a release would likely be included in include any final reports and documents that accompany public deliverables (service improvements) from January 1st, 2023, to October 2024. In terms of the release (public service improvements) side of things, any new products/features/launches from the BDM program transmittal slips or status updates on the BDM program that include summaries of new services being launched or improvements to existing systems, that might of been captured in briefing notes to senior leaders that accompany SA&As or status updates created by BDM staff for presentations to senior leadership and BDM/TBS governance committees. The minister's LinkedIn announcement on "service delivery initiatives and improvements" which mentions "transforming benefits delivery technology" but does not specify exactly what has been released in this regard.
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages: 7