Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.

Year: 2024

Month: December

Request Number: OPM-A-2024-001

Request Summary: We would like to obtain a copy of any document related to the following information: 1. Any survey report (or other measurement tool) relating to the Company's reputation and/or image since January 1, 2022; 2. Any marketing and/or media placement plans and/or strategies since January 1, 2022; 3. Any evaluation of the available marketing strategies and/or the effectiveness, audience, market penetration and/or reach of the Company's advertising campaigns since January 1, 2022; 4. Planned budget and expenditures incurred for promotion, marketing and advertising, by year (since 2022) and by media categories (e.g., television, radio, social media, search engines, street furniture, billboards, etc.).

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 1029

Date modified: