Organization: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Year: 2021
Month: September
Request Number: 2A-2021-69654
Request Summary: Please include any and all documents (including, but not limited to, briefing notes, directives, memos, emails, phone transcripts, charts, minutes of meetings, information dockets, Excel spreadsheets, detailed statistics, presentations, detailed costs or estimations, program evaluations etc.) pertaining to the content, origins, development, approval, implementation, and effectiveness evaluations of "YouTube Detect and Correct"? as shown below "YouTube Detect and Correct [DRAFT- IN APPROVALS AS OF 6:30PM AUGUST 30] Comments on videos: The Government of Canada strongly discourages people from entering Canada outside of designated ports of entry. Beware of misleading or false information about claiming refugee status in Canada - get correct information at Le gouvernement deconseille vivement aux gens d'entrer au Canada ailleurs qu'aux points d'entree designes. Mefiez-vous des renseignements faux concernant la presentation d'une demande d'asile au Canada - obtenez des informations precises a"
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages: 3