Organization: Library and Archives Canada
Year: 2024
Month: December
Request Number: A-2023-08269
Request Summary: Reference: RG25-A-3-c, Volume number: 28860, File number: 25-3-7-FALK, File part: 4, File title: Boundaries - Territory - Island Claims - Falkland Island Dependencies, Date: 1982/04/13-1982/04/19, Item ID number: 4592152 / Reference: RG25-A-3-c, Volume number: 28860, File number: 25-3-7-FALK, File part: 5, File title: Boundaries - Territory - Island Claims - Falkland Island Dependencies, Date: 1982/04/20-1982/04/25, Item ID number: 4592153 / Reference: RG25-A-3-c, Volume number: 28860, File number: 25-3-7-FALK, File part: 6, File title: Boundaries - Territory - Island Claims - Falkland Island Dependencies, Date: 1982/04/26-1982/04/30, Item ID number: 4592154
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 1199
Comments: This release package is available for instant download. Please visit LAC's website: