Organization: Statistics Canada
Year: 2022
Month: April
Request Number: A-2020-00113
Request Summary: Provide the following briefing documents prepared between March and July 2020: OCS20201408 DOJ proposed changes to the Privacy Act; OCS20201401 RFI BN & Notice to Minister (CREA); OCS20201403 RFI BN and Notice to the Minister Annual For-Hire Trucking Survey (AFHTS); OCS20201398 Post-employment situation analysis; OCS20201341 Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) - Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) Update; OCS20201332 Request for information Briefing note & Notice to Minister for Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)/Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) data; OCS20201204 Strategic Engagement Agenda- Agenda Approval for the 2020 Federal-Provincial-Territorial Consultative Council on Statistical Policy Meeting May 7-9, 2020.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 72