Organization: Library and Archives Canada
Year: 2024
Month: August
Request Number: A-2024-02316
Request Summary: Reference: RG76, Accession/BAN: 1987-88/311 GAD, VFRC#73-A-2 VFRC, Box: 32, File number: CH-1-41971, Name: Mah Dick Chee (Mah Chee Ark), Record part of: Canada Immigration Centre, Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island, Chinese Case Files [textual record], Date: 1949, Item ID number: 44857 / Reference: RG76, Accession/BAN: 1987-88/311 GAD, VFRC#73-A-2 VFRC, Box: 17, File number: CH-1-39911, Name: Mah Hong Duck (Dick Mah Sec), Record part of: Canada Immigration Centre, Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island, Chinese Case Files [textual record], Date: 1947-1951, Item ID number: 44857
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 76
Comments: This release package is available for instant download. Please visit LAC's website: