Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

Year: 2024

Month: September

Request Number: A-2024-03150

Request Summary: Reference: RG25-A-3-b, Volume number: 3317, File number: 10258-40, File part: 1, File title: Relations between Poland and Canada - General file, Date: 1943/06/01-1954/06/21, Item ID number: 1814925 / Reference: RG25-A-3-b, Volume number: 8437, File number: 10258-40, File part: 3, File title: Relations between Poland and Canada - General, Date: 1959/06/13-1960/05/31, Item ID number: 1837320 / Reference: RG25-A-3-b, Volume number: 6762, File number: 614-N-40, File part: 2.1, File title: Safeguarding and release of assets held in Canada for persons and companies of foreign Countries - Poland, Date: 1959/01/15-1961/02/16, Item ID number: 1817504 / Reference: RG25-A-3-b, Volume number: 6762, File number: 614-N-40, File part: 2.2, File title: Safeguarding and release of assets held in Canada for persons and companies of foreign Countries - Poland, Date: 1961/02/23-1962/12/18, Item ID number: 1817504

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 1052

Comments: This release package is available for instant download. Please visit LAC's website:

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