Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

Year: 2024

Month: September

Request Number: A-2023-05521

Request Summary: Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 16, File number: 15700, File title: Middle East: PLO More Radical but Unified 1987, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 16, File number: 15717, File title: Israel: Peace Initiative in Trouble 1987, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 20, File number: 16228, File title: Israel/Palestinians: A Risk of Peace 1989, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 20, File number: 16285, File title: USA/Israel: Pushing peace will be a strain 1989, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 20, File number: 16318, File title: Israel: Emergence of next generation of leaders 1989, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 21, File number: 16467, File title: Lebanon: No peace in our time 1989, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 13, File number: 15391, File title: Israel/Syria: Major Confrontation Unlikely 1986, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 14, File number: 15508, File title: Lebanon: Cantonization Here to Stay 1986, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 15, File number: 15539, File title: Syria: Assad Under Siege 1986, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 15, File number: 15564, File title: Middle East: Palestinians – The Terrorist Option 1987, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 15, File number: 15571, File title: Syria: Terrorist’s Mecca 1987, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 15, File number: 15647, File title: Lebanon: Syria in the Quicksand 1987, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 17, File number: 15887, File title: Israel: New Generation Confronts the Occupation 1988, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 17, File number: 15930, File title: Cyprus: Partition Becoming Irreversible 1988, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 17, File number: 15949, File title: Israel: Defence Forces Damaged by Police Role 1988, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 18, File number: 16062, File title: Israel and the West Bank: Demise of the Jordanian Option 1988, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 18, File number: 16106, File title: Israel: Elections likely to prolong political paralysis 1988, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 19, File number: 16162, File title: Israel: New government, old problems 1989, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 23, File number: 14397, File title: Jerusalem: Reactions and implications of the proposed embassy move 1979, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 24, File number: 15321, File title: Egypt: Mubarak’s lot 1986, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 24, File number: 15469, File title: Middle East: Peace process stalled 1986, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848 / Reference: RG24-B-8, Accession/BAN: 2002-00892-2, Box: 24, File number: 15523, File title: Syria: The Hindawi case and diplomatic reaction 1986, Record part of: Central registry files from NDIC - Fort Frontenac [textual record], Date: 1948-1995, Item ID number: 198848

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 243

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