Organization: National Gallery of Canada
Year: 2025
Month: January
Request Number: 3025-009-A2022-013
Request Summary: Provide the 2021, 2022, 2023 draft guidelines/new criteria/practices/policies for art acquisitions/purchases/displays/narratives/exhibits being developed, particularly given the new 2021-26 strategic diversity plan (as in part being developed to replace the 2013 Gallery acquisition or other display/exhibit/programming policies/guidelines) and their cost estimates and implications. •Include 2021, 2022, 2023 memos, emails, communications of Sasha Suda (until departure), Angela Cassie, and then in 2022, 2023, Stephen Loft and Michelle Lavallee on changing art displays, changing art donations; changing art purchasing; changing art programming, art narratives, displays and exhibits as a result of adopting and moving ahead on the new NG strategic diversity plan Include too those 2021, 2022, 2023 to date acquisitions/display and narrative changes done as a result of the new strategic diversity plan and their costs, or projected for 2023-27. •Include 2022, 2023 changed definitions of what is art, national art. (interested in records reflecting substantive development and communications on new guidelines and not looking necessarily for every piece of paper. We will focus our relevancy review on those substantive-type record)
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 1072