Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Health Canada

Year: 2025

Month: January

Request Number: A-2023-001402

Request Summary: The dates the GlobalCure SC6 laser, manufactured by Advanced Technology Laser Co. Ltd (China) and sold by Silhouet-Tone (Quebec, Canada) was legally allowed to be sold in Canada. Information regarding whether Silhouet-Tone is or was allowed to sell a Class IV laser within or as part of the GlobalCure SC6 Laser or the Angelite Portable Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) system or Angelite IPL system, in Canada, specifically between 2021-2023. Any approved labeling information for the Angelite Portable IPL system and the regular Angelite IPL system. Any Establishment licences for Advanced Technology Laser Co. Ltd (China) and Silhouet-Tone (Quebec, Canada).

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 543

Date modified: