Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Health Canada

Year: 2024

Month: October

Request Number: A-2024-000623

Request Summary: For the time period — October 17, 2018, to December 31, 2023 — the general companion totals to the aggregate data requested under A-2024-000151. If possible, further disaggregate the data disclosed under A-2024-000151 relating to Part 11 according to the action triggering the observation’s issuance per section of Part 11 and by rating. Clarify the data disclosed under A-2024-000151 with respect to total number of non-compliant ratings issued to Licensed Producers (LP) where non-compliance with Part 11 of the Cannabis Regulations was a contributing factor to receiving the non-compliant rating to better indicate how non-compliance with Part 11 influenced the overall non-compliant rating, Further disaggregate the data disclosed under A-2024-000151 as it relates to total observations issued per discrete section of Part 11 of the Cannabis Regulations to include the observation ratings for each cited section. With respect to A-2024-000151 and the 51 total “not rated” inspections, provide general, high-level information about why the inspections were not issued a rating to better contextualize this number.

Disposition: All disclosed

Number of pages: 6

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