Organization: Library and Archives Canada
Year: 2025
Month: January
Request Number: A-2017-00284
Request Summary: Reference: R929-2-8-E, RG146-A, Volume number: 2176, File number: *Redacted*, File part: 1, File title: International Woodworkers of America ("Syndicat international des travailleurs du bois d'Amérique") Canada, Record part of: Registry records of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service [textual record (some electronic, some microform)], Date: 1937/10/22-1940/05/14, Item ID number: 184653 / Reference: R929-2-8-E, RG146-A, Volume number: 2176, File number: *Redacted**, File part: 2, File title: International Woodworkers of America ("Syndicat international des travailleurs du bois d'Amérique") Canada, Record part of: Registry records of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service [textual record (some electronic, some microform)], Date: 1940/05/15-1946/06/24, Item ID number: 184653 / Reference: R929-2-8-E, RG146-A, Volume number: 2176, File number: *Redacted*, File part: 3, File title: International Woodworkers of America ("Syndicat international des travailleurs du bois d'Amérique") Canada, Record part of: Registry records of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service [textual record (some electronic, some microform)], Date: 1946/06/25-1949/09/12, Item ID number: 184653 / Reference: R929-2-8-E, RG146-A, Volume number: 2176, File number: *Redacted*, File part: 4, File title: International Woodworkers of America ("Syndicat international des travailleurs du bois d'Amérique") Canada, Record part of: Registry records of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service [textual record (some electronic, some microform)], Date: 1949/09/13-1951/05/11, Item ID number: 184653 / Reference: R929-2-8-E, RG146-A, Volume number: 2176, File number: *Redacted*, File part: 6, File title: International Woodworkers of America ("Syndicat international des travailleurs du bois d'Amérique") Canada, Record part of: Registry records of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service [textual record (some electronic, some microform)], Date: 1951/05/12-1952/02/19, Item ID number: 184653
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 502
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