Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

Year: 2024

Month: September

Request Number: A-2022-02965

Request Summary: Reference: R112-650-8-E, RG24-F-7, File title: JIB/CAN 1-66-8/66 - JIB reports, Record part of: Reports [textual record], Date: 1948-1967, Item ID number: 185482 / Reference: R112-650-8-E, RG24-F-7, File title: JIB CAN 9/66-24/66 - JIB reports, Record part of: Reports [textual record], Date: 1948-1967, Item ID number: 185482 / Reference: R112-650-8-E, RG24-F-7, File title: JIB CAN 25/66-35/66 - JIB reports, Record part of: Reports [textual record], Date: 1948-1967, Item ID number: 185482

Disposition: All disclosed

Number of pages: 1440

Comments: This release package is available for instant download. Please visit LAC's website:

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