Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Year: 2024

Month: December

Request Number: 2A-2023-06132

Request Summary: Please provide information related to Settlement programs and support services to newcomers and refugees between Jan 2019, to Nov 2023: 1) Copy of successful settlement programs services proposals, including implementation/evaluation plan, projected budget, submitted by successful recipient service providers that were businesses (i.e. for profit) and individuals (exclude other type of recipients such as non-profit organizations) for federal funding, grants and contributions settlement programs. 2) Name of the successful settlement service providers (businesses and individual recipients only), board of directors; amount of funding/grant/contribution; services provided; agreement start and end date; organization address 3) Copy of contribution/funding agreement entered with successful settlement programs service providers, businesses (i.e. for profit) and individuals service providers only. 4) Copy of annual reports and/or progress reports on results achieved. 5) Annual data (any data if annual not available) related to client demographics, number of clients serviced, service usage, expenditures, costs, and results as reported by service providers/funding recipients (businesses or individuals) as reported to IRCC or collected by CIC administrative data systems Provide only English versions where multiple languages are available. Include only final versions or latest drafts of documents, and last complete email chains. Remove non-relevant records and identify them as such. Also remove materials that are an account of a possible or actual Cabinet confidence.

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 1200

Date modified: