Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada
Year: 2025
Month: January
Request Number: A-2024-01363
Request Summary: Clarifications received 26-08-2024: In terms of the information I am requesting, I am looking for the LMIA submitted by these companies and any document about the government's decision to approve these specific applications. I found all of these applications in the open data the government releases on successful applications. The data was listed as coming from Jan. to March of 2024. Original text: Provide copies of the succesful labour market impact assessments for the following three firms, issued in the first quarter of 2024. Quebec High Wage Bombardier Aviation MONTRÉAL, QC H3B 1Y8 9521-Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors Quebec High Wage Lisi Aerospace Canada Inc. Montreal, QC H9P 2X5 7333-Electrical mechanics Quebec High Wage Société en commandite Airbus Canada Mirabel, QC J7N 3C6 2146-Aerospace engineers.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 801