Organization: Library and Archives Canada
Year: 2024
Month: September
Request Number: A-2024-04659
Request Summary: Reference: RG10-B-8-e, Volume number: 9574, Microfilm reel: C-7180, File title: Interest distribution paylists - Six Nations, Date: 1908-1911, Item ID number: 2099025 / Reference: RG10-B-8-e, Volume number: 9575, Microfilm reel: C-7180, File title: Interest distribution paylists - Six Nations, Date: 1912-1915, Item ID number: 2099026 / Reference: RG10-B-8-e, Volume number: 9576, Microfilm reel: C-7180, File title: Interest distribution paylists - Six Nations, Date: 1916-1919, Item ID number: 2099027 / Reference: RG10-B-8-e, Volume number: 9577, Microfilm reel: C-7180, File title: Interest distribution paylists - Six Nations, Date: 1920-1936, Item ID number: 2099028
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages: 1210
Comments: This release package is available for instant download. Please visit LAC's website: