Organization: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Year: 2020
Month: January
Request Number: A-2019-00038
Request Summary: REQUEST. Provide access to any and all Station Blackout Reports (SBOs) in 2003 and emerging IRS Reports generated by the CNSC pertaining to the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station “A” (units I to 4) and the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station “B” (units 5 to 8). 2003 STATION BLACKOUT (SBO) AT NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. BACKGROUND. A station blackout is defined as a plant condition with complete loss of all AC power from the preferred offsite AC sources, from the main generator and from standby AC power sources important to safety to the essential and nonessential switchgear buses. DC power supplies and uninterruptible AC 34 power supplies may be available as long as batteries can supply the loads. Alternate AC power supplies are available. SBOs have traditionally been underreported but according to the IAEA, these are occurring at frequencies above that what traditionally would be considered as normal. There are several safety aspects associated with SBO events which may lead to the deterioration of key safety functions. An SBO event can lead to a severe accident if there are complications in the restoration of electrical power to plant buses within the coping time. The loss of grid is generally an initiating event and coincidental failure of onsite AC power supplies results in an SBO.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 312