Completed Access to Information Requests

About this information

Search the summaries of completed Access to Information (ATI) requests to find information about ATI requests made to the Government of Canada after January 2020. If you find a summary of interest, you can request a copy of the records at no cost using the form below each summary. Requests made through this form are considered informal requests and are not subject to the same requirements as requests under the Access to Information Act (ATIA).

If you don’t find what you are looking for you can request additional government records under an institution’s control by contacting the institution’s Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator or by submitting a formal access to information request.

*All information provided will incorporate the necessary exemptions and exclusions as per the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Download datasets of the summaries of completed access to information requests.

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Found 661 record(s)

Req # A-2023-01568

RG24 – Accession: BAN 2002-00892-2 - Box: 22 - File Number: 16541 - Title: Eastern Europe: The military lineup 1990 / RG24 – Accession: BAN 2002-00892-2 - Box: 23 - File: 14240 - Title: USSR: New phase of oil extraction and energy 1978 / RG24 –…

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

235 page(s)
September 2023

Req # A-2017-00987

The following parts of the file entitled "JIC-USSR CDA/US (ACAI) (RG 25, File 50028-U-40): - (pts. 1-2) (vol. 7915) - (pts. 16-18) (vol. 7918) - (pts. 19-26 + wallet) (vol. 7919)

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

2595 page(s)
September 2023

Req # A-2019-00170

RG25 Vol. 27656 File 27-4-NATO-1-16 Parts 54 & 55, Defence - Organizations and Conference - NATO - Policy and Structure - Nuclear Planning Group (NPG) - 1981-12-01 to 1983-03-31

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

503 page(s)
September 2023

Req # A-2021-11615

Library and Archives Canada documents: 1 - "Buildings, Aerodromes, Grounds and Utilities - Acquisition - Aishihik, Yukon Territory" Date: 1946/04/11 - 1955/01/18 Reference: RG24-E-1-c Vol. Number: 21898 File Number: 10-6-A3 Item ID Number…

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

2077 page(s)
August 2023

Req # A-2022-00444

A digital copy of all records found in Indian Affairs RG10 Microfilm Reels Number: C-9072, C-9073, C-9074, C-9075, C-9076 (Indian Trust Fund Ledgers: 1910-1919)

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

3590 page(s)
August 2023

Req # A-2022-06092

Searching for claims against foreign governments-Romania-Damant.L.V. Ref number: RG25-A-3-C, Volume number-15463, File number:81-8-ROM-DAMANT L.V.., File part:1

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

12 page(s)
August 2023

Req # A-2023-00361

Documents on the Guy Favreau Complexe. 2017-00220-8 1 File number : 29418, Reference: R188, RG13, Box number : 2

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

59 page(s)
August 2023

Req # A-2023-00596

Central registry files of Marine Group (1875-1985) Reference: RG12-B, RG12-A-1, RG12M 58/1261, RG12-A-2-C Marine Group - general registry files (1878-1985) Reference: RG12-B, RG12-A-2-C, RG12M 80103/52 Navigable waters - Obstructions - Wrecks and…

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

236 page(s)
August 2023

Req # A-2023-00660

Fonds du ministère des Transports Référence: RG12 Central registry files of Marine Group (1875-1985) Reference: RG12-B, RG12-A-1, RG12M 58/1261, RG12-A-2-C Marine Group - general registry files (1878-1985) Reference: RG12-B, RG12-A-2-C, RG12M 80103/…

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

40 page(s)
August 2023

Req # A-2023-00768

Requesting a copy of the report: RG46 2003-02234-1 box 23 file 48683-1667.

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

26 page(s)
August 2023
Date modified: