Completed Access to Information Requests

About this information

Search the summaries of completed Access to Information (ATI) requests to find information about ATI requests made to the Government of Canada after January 2020. If you find a summary of interest, you can request a copy of the records at no cost using the form below each summary. Requests made through this form are considered informal requests and are not subject to the same requirements as requests under the Access to Information Act (ATIA).

If you don’t find what you are looking for you can request additional government records under an institution’s control by contacting the institution’s Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator or by submitting a formal access to information request.

*All information provided will incorporate the necessary exemptions and exclusions as per the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Download datasets of the summaries of completed access to information requests.

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Found 3026 record(s)

Req # A-2020-02254

From RG 146: HIST 1982-08-31 Brief - RCMP Special Branch - Examination of its Requirements, Mandate and Structure B1-405, NARU RG146-5867

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

27 page(s)
January 2023

Req # A-2021-10305

Kwawkewlth Agency - Mamalillikulla Band - Estate of Matthew Puglas RG10-C-V-8, Volume: 11182, File: 978/37-2-8-70 pt 1.

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

18 page(s)
January 2023

Req # A-2022-02614

Enfranchisement - Green, Everett - RG10-B-3, Volume number: 7254, File number: 8034-96.

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

28 page(s)
January 2023

Req # A-2022-04397

Title: PITT MEADOWS, B.C. INSPECTOR OF DYKES FOR THE MAPLE RIDGE DYKING DISTRICT Date: 1961/07/10 Reference: RG12-A-1, Accession number: 1993-94/110 GAD, Box number: 114, File number: AKC 5168-P178-29, File Part: 1 Item ID number:1262503

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

8 page(s)
January 2023

Req # A-2022-01260

List of spills inventory from 2018 to October 31, 2022 including facility name, location, spill identification number, spill date, type of spill, and quantity of substance spilled and/or recovered.

Organization: National Defence

148 page(s)
January 2023

Req # A-2022-01221

Report that spans from 1 April 2015 to 25 October 2022 that outlines the number of releases under 4B and 4C for members that released during or after completion of a VIE, Ie, Ce and IPS.

Organization: National Defence

5 page(s)
January 2023

Req # A-2018-01560

The number of employee emails that have been deceived by digital (fishing) scams and what type of sensitive information has been revealed for the period of Nov. 2 , 2015 to date of request received.

Organization: National Defence

1 page(s)
January 2023

Req # A-2021-01272

All information included in an email chain related to an email sent from Lt(N) MSK Boisvert, PPC(Q), Naval Reserve Headquarters titled “RE: NAVRES Officer Availability – DGMEPM Ottawa?? sent to CPO2 DW Blanche on July 30th, 2021 at 11:14 AM

Organization: National Defence

28 page(s)
January 2023

Req # A-2022-01144

All photographs, with captions, for Operation Mobile (2011), Task Force Libeccio, Task Force Vancouver and Task Force Charlottetown. Photographs were held by ADM (PA) Combat Camera

Organization: National Defence

259 page(s)
January 2023

Req # A-2022-01523

Reports held by the Suffield Research Centre of Defence Research and Development Canada related to the Measurement of Drag on Cylinders between 1969 to 1974

Organization: National Defence

162 page(s)
January 2023
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