Completed Access to Information Requests

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Search the summaries of completed Access to Information (ATI) requests to find information about ATI requests made to the Government of Canada after January 2020. If you find a summary of interest, you can request a copy of the records at no cost using the form below each summary. Requests made through this form are considered informal requests and are not subject to the same requirements as requests under the Access to Information Act (ATIA).

If you don’t find what you are looking for you can request additional government records under an institution’s control by contacting the institution’s Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator or by submitting a formal access to information request.

*All information provided will incorporate the necessary exemptions and exclusions as per the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Download datasets of the summaries of completed access to information requests.

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Found 2347 record(s)

Req # A-2020-00002

List of individuals granted approval by Minister to enter Canada via Orders-in-Council since March 26, 2020

Organization: Public Safety Canada

0 page(s)
April 2020

Req # A-2019-00235

Various documents from the Emergency Management Program Branch in reference to a previous request made under the Access to Information Act

Organization: Public Safety Canada

40 page(s)
April 2020

Req # A-2019-00278

Transition Binder for new Deputy Minister Rob Stewart

Organization: Public Safety Canada

318 page(s)
April 2020

Req # A-2019-00330

PS-027107: Memo to the Deputy Minister for approval of the Recommendation for Project Approval (RPAF) - Ontario Provincial Police Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Units Project 2019-12-10

Organization: Public Safety Canada

16 page(s)
April 2020

Req # A-2019-00104

A listing of funding, allocations, applications, proposals, agricultural commodities, beakdown of enteties funded, funding distrubution by province or territory regarding the Indigenous Agriculture and Food Systems Initiative.

Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

2 page(s)
March 2020

Req # A-2019-00103

All information from the Department of Agriculture (DOA) pertaining to all DOA meetings with Pharmaceutical Industry Representatives before and since legalization of Cannabis and Hemp (date range October 2015 – February 20,2020).

Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

0 page(s)
March 2020

Req # A-2019-00102

Data and report records that identify the amount of positive drug tests in the Canadian horse racing industry for each type of positive drug test, specifically positive tests for approved medications, human prescription medications, unregulated…

Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

2 page(s)
March 2020

Req # A-2019-00101

Departmental and Budgetary information: Number of Departmental Employees 2018-19; Total Number of HR Branch Employees; 2018-19 Total Departmental Budgetary Spending; and 2018-19 Total HR Branch Budgetary Spending.

Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

1 page(s)
March 2020

Req # A-2019-00099

The total amounts spent on advertising for budget year 2018-2019 on a month to month basis, separating for production and media placement costs.

Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

3 page(s)
March 2020

Req # A-2019-00098

The list of advertising purchases (titles, purpose of advertising, vendor) purchased by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for budget year 2018-2019.

Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

2 page(s)
March 2020
Date modified: