Completed Access to Information Requests

About this information

Search the summaries of completed Access to Information (ATI) requests to find information about ATI requests made to the Government of Canada after January 2020. If you find a summary of interest, you can request a copy of the records at no cost using the form below each summary. Requests made through this form are considered informal requests and are not subject to the same requirements as requests under the Access to Information Act (ATIA).

If you don’t find what you are looking for you can request additional government records under an institution’s control by contacting the institution’s Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator or by submitting a formal access to information request.

*All information provided will incorporate the necessary exemptions and exclusions as per the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Download datasets of the summaries of completed access to information requests.

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Found 1187 record(s)

Req # A-2022-00335

Copy of the briefing note of January 20, 2022 entitled "Metis Nation of Alberta - Judicial Review."

Organization: Department of Justice Canada

0 page(s)
July 2022

Req # A-2021-00025

Please provide copies of the documents with the following internal tracking numbers: MR2018-00736

Organization: Women and Gender Equality Canada

2 page(s)
July 2022

Req # A-2022-00002

I am looking for all federal funding that have been dispensed through Grants and Contributions to the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women since the 2000 fiscal year to present.

Organization: Women and Gender Equality Canada

28 page(s)
July 2022

Req # A-2022-00004

Provide copies of all Statement of Work and correspondence related to the contract with Pomp & Circumstance (Procurement Identification Number: P1900370) referred to in this proactive disclosure report:,C-2019…

Organization: Women and Gender Equality Canada

21 page(s)
July 2022

Req # A-2022-00006

I request access to records – including but not limited to -- final documents by WAGE for 2021 concerning the available data of homicides in Canada, including the numbers in each province and territory. Specifically, I request the following…

Organization: Women and Gender Equality Canada

2 page(s)
July 2022

Req # A-2022-00007

I would like to receive the document MR2022-00158 entitled First Annual Report on the Federal Pathway for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People.

Organization: Women and Gender Equality Canada

106 page(s)
July 2022

Req # A-2017-01373

Copies of all documents regarding file: 4998533 - EN4900-13 in relations to the Enforcement of Section 36 (3) of The Fisheries Act.

Organization: Department of Justice Canada

1050 page(s)
June 2022

Req # A-2021-00448

May 2020 Briefing note: 2020-004541 Conference Call with Natan Obed, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (For Information).

Organization: Department of Justice Canada

27 page(s)
June 2022

Req # A-2021-01026

Copy of any statistics and legal costs billings between March 1, 2021 to February 23, 2022, regarding federal court files imm-001-21 and imm-2548-22s.

Organization: Department of Justice Canada

108 page(s)
June 2022

Req # A-2021-01042

January 2021 Briefing Note 2021-012527 Meeting with Montréal Mayor Valérie Plante (For Information).

Organization: Department of Justice Canada

0 page(s)
June 2022
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