Completed Access to Information Requests


We are performing scheduled maintenance from 8:30am to 9:30am, Monday, March 24th, Eastern time.

About this information

Search the summaries of completed Access to Information (ATI) requests to find information about ATI requests made to the Government of Canada after January 2020. If you find a summary of interest, you can request a copy of the records at no cost using the form below each summary. Requests made through this form are considered informal requests and are not subject to the same requirements as requests under the Access to Information Act (ATIA).

If you don’t find what you are looking for you can request additional government records under an institution’s control by contacting the institution’s Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator or by submitting a formal access to information request.

*All information provided will incorporate the necessary exemptions and exclusions as per the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Download datasets of the summaries of completed access to information requests.

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Found 3666 record(s)

Req # A-2021-00995

J’aimerais obtenir copie de toutes directives, protocoles ou autres documents concernant les mesures prises par la GRC en réponse à l’épidémie de COVID-19. Je souhaite obtenir l’information pour le quartier général de la GRC au Québec (Westmount).

Organization: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

4896 page(s)
April 2023

Req # A-2022-07509

OBTENIR COPIE COMPLETE DES DEUX NOTES CIBLÉES GOUVERNEMENT OUVERT : Réintégration de la vente de véhicules de la GRC 29 juil. 2022 Reference Nombre : 22-002212 Organisation' : Gendarmerie royale du Canada Examen du processus de mise hors…

Organization: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

7 page(s)
April 2023

Req # A-2022-01295

obtenir les documents décrits ci-dessous qui ont été produits entre le 15-6-2021 et la date de traitement(le 10 fevrier)mentionnant ou portant sur les projets de loi S-236 et S-231 présentés au Sénat du Canada.

Organization: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

98 page(s)
April 2023

Req # A-2023-01914

Obtenir une copie complète de cette note dans gouvernement ouvert en lien avec la GRC. Évaluation du programme d’infiltration 10 janv. 2023, # de référence : 23-000048.

Organization: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

3358 page(s)
April 2023

Req # A-2022-01306

Souhaite obtenir tout document reçu ou écrit par la GRC, la Banque nationale de données génétiques ou le Comité consultatif de la Banque entre le 11-2-2017 et le présent par rapport à 5 sujets (voir demande complète).

Organization: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

468 page(s)
April 2023

Req # A-2022-00183

Records/documents (including but not limited to reports, analysis done, architectural drawings) plans to renovate/rebuild/build a new pool house for 24 Sussex Drive (June 1, 2022 to November 28, 2022).

Organization: National Capital Commission

69 page(s)
March 2023

Req # A-2023-00001

Provide a report or reports (Generic Actuals Report) showing all expenses (capital, operating, maintenance) at Harrington Lake for any buildings/facilities located on the property since November 1, 2015 ( to present 2023-01-04).

Organization: National Capital Commission

91 page(s)
March 2023

Req # A-2023-00003

Provide a report or reports (Generic Actuals Report) showing all expenses (capital, operating, maintenance) at Harrington Lake for any buildings/facilities located on the property since November 1, 2015 ( to present 2023-01-04).

Organization: National Capital Commission

91 page(s)
March 2023

Req # A-2023-00017

All emails and documents related to the preparation and delivery of the Prime Minister's meals at Rideau Cottage following the closure of the kitchens at 24 Sussex Dr. (January 1, 2022 to February 8, 2023).

Organization: National Capital Commission

163 page(s)
March 2023

Req # A-2023-00018

Provide the Generic Actuals Report (GAR for expenses) information for 24 Sussex Drive for the month of January 2023 (to date of request received 2023-02-13).

Organization: National Capital Commission

4 page(s)
March 2023
Date modified: