Completed Access to Information Requests

About this information

Search the summaries of completed Access to Information (ATI) requests to find information about ATI requests made to the Government of Canada after January 2020. If you find a summary of interest, you can request a copy of the records at no cost using the form below each summary. Requests made through this form are considered informal requests and are not subject to the same requirements as requests under the Access to Information Act (ATIA).

If you don’t find what you are looking for you can request additional government records under an institution’s control by contacting the institution’s Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator or by submitting a formal access to information request.

*All information provided will incorporate the necessary exemptions and exclusions as per the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Download datasets of the summaries of completed access to information requests.

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Found 1983 record(s)

Req # A-2023-00329

Emails between the Minister's Office and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on June 19, 2023 with regard to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's response to media reports that it was investigating the SNC-Lavalin affair.

Organization: Public Safety Canada

0 page(s)
October 2023

Req # A-2023-00333

Documents routed through the Parliamentary Affairs Directorate from January to October 1, 2023 regarding the Correctional Service of Canada's prison farm program at Collins Bay and Joyceville Institution in Kingston Ontario.

Organization: Public Safety Canada

26 page(s)
October 2023

Req # A-2023-00336

PS-040148: Memorandum for the Minister - G7/Five Eyes Partnership (FVEY) Session on Disinformation - Transmittal Cover Memorandum and Letter for Sharing Disinformation Session with G7 and FVEY Ministerial Counterparts, July 6, 2023.

Organization: Public Safety Canada

23 page(s)
October 2023

Req # A-2023-00337

PS-040368: Memorandum for the Deputy Minister - Deputy Minister Meeting with Communications Security Establishment Chief and Canada Energy Regulator Chief Executive Officer - July 7, 2023, July 6, 2023.

Organization: Public Safety Canada

9 page(s)
October 2023

Req # A-2023-00340

Internal briefings from July to December 31, 2022 regarding workplace injuries of health care workers.

Organization: Public Safety Canada

0 page(s)
October 2023

Req # A-2023-00348

Documents from January 2018 to October 12, 2023 regarding mortality rates on the Island of Montreal.

Organization: Public Safety Canada

0 page(s)
October 2023

Req # A-2023-018

Please provide, in both official languages, a copy of the official languages timeline mentioned in OCOL’s tweet posted on May 9, 2023, at 1:21 p.m.

Organization: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

2259 page(s)
September 2023

Req # A-2023-014

Please accept this request for records under the Access to Information Act. My request concerns documents related to the Official Languages Act (OLA). Specifically, I would like to receive electronic copies of the following records: • Any internal…

Organization: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

106 page(s)
September 2023

Req # A-2020-00229

Documents exchanged from 2000 to 2020 with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Vancouver Olympic Bid Corporation, and the Vancouver Organizing Committee of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games regarding the security of the events.

Organization: Public Safety Canada

78 page(s)
September 2023

Req # A-2021-00195

Various briefing notes: PS-030187, PS-032457, and PS-032829.

Organization: Public Safety Canada

5 page(s)
September 2023
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