Organization: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Year: 2024
Month: November
Request Number: A-2024-00636
Request Summary: All records that reference or are related to Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades and/or the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). *The paragraph on keyword search is to identify relevant records *within* those search results. Keyword searches should include, but not be limited to: Gaza, Palestine, Israel, migration, security screening, security assessment, policy, strategy, operation guidelines, security bulletin, biometrics. Please include both operational and policy records. Searches should start for related records on Oct 7, 2023 and go to the present. The searches above should be limited to records that were sent, received, or reviewed at the ADM level and above or above in the organizational chart in all units/divisions of IRCC. Please exclude cabinet confidences. Please omit portions of documents that would be severed by s.19. Please only include first, most recent, and final drafts of any document. Please omit documents that are duplicates from my other requests.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 2