Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Year: 2022

Month: October

Request Number: A-2021-00091

Request Summary: On July 5, 2021, Bruce Power reported that one pressure tube in Bruce Unit 6 had a measurement of 221 parts per million, well above licensing requirements. Also, a tube in Bruce Unit 3 had a preliminary measurement of 131 ppm. I wish to obtain any e-mails, memos, letters, reports or other records discussing these or any other exceedances in pressure tube Heq levels at the Bruce, Darlington, Pickering or Point Lepreau stations, and/or actions the CNSC's has taken in response to the Heq levels above licensing requirements observed in some pressure tubes at Bruce Station. Relevant dates are June 1, 2021 to present (October 18, 2021).

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 2885

Date modified: