Organization: Library and Archives Canada
Year: 2024
Month: June
Request Number: A-2018-01133
Request Summary: Reference: RG25-A-3-b, Volume number: 7088, File number: 8254-G-6-40, File part: 1, File title: Korea - rehabilitation of Proposals for the employment of Canadian troops in reconstruction projects in Korea, Date: 1953/05/28-1954/09/09, Item ID number: 1836624 / Reference: RG25-A-3-b, Volume number: 6183, File number: 1086-E-40, File part: 1, File title: Survey of External Affairs by Civil Service Commission Organization & Methods Branch 1950-51, Date: 1949/09/09-1957/07/17, Item ID number: 1816397 / Reference: RG25, Volume number: 6501, File number: 8254-G-5-40, File part: 1.1, File title: Governmental contributions in kind for Korean relief, Date: 1952/09/16-1953/12/28, Item ID number: 1851216 / Reference: RG25, Volume number: 6501, File number: 8254-G-5-40, File part: 1.1, File title: Governmental contributions in kind for Korean relief, Date: 1953/12/29-1955/09/12, Item ID number: 1851216 / Reference: RG25, Volume number: 6501, File number: 8254-H-40, File part: 1, File title: Preparation of background studies on Korea, Date: 1950/08/16-1951/03, Item ID number: 1851218
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages: 756
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