Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

Year: 2024

Month: August

Request Number: A-2022-09890

Request Summary: RG13, Box: 43, Microfilm reel: T-17328, File number: HQDOJ-9-177950, File title: Proclamation for the Celebration of the ; Queen's Birthday in May & Designation of ; Thanksgiving Day in October Whether it is Competent to the Governor General in Council to Establish the two Days as Holidays by a General Proclamation Applicable to All Future Years. Verification of the Language from a Legal Standpoint of the Draft Recommendation to the Governor in Council & Draft Proclamation With Respect to the Holidays on the First Monday Immediately Preceding the 25th Day of May & the Second Monday in October Respectively. Statute: Interpretation Act S35(12) Civil Service Act S45(F) & (K) Bills of Exchange Act S43 Interpretation Act S35(12) Civil Service Act S45(F) & (K) Bills of Exchange Act S43, Date: 1957/01/17 - 1957/01/24, Item ID number: 4497335

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 23

Comments: This release package is available for instant download. Please visit LAC's website:

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