Organization: Health Canada
Year: 2025
Month: January
Request Number: A-2024-000624
Request Summary: All information on medical device recalls relating to the below medical devices, including the date of the recall(s) and reason(s) for the recall(s): Medtronic, model# Evera MRI DR DDMC3D4; Medtronic, model# Evera MR1 DR DDMC3D4; Medtronic, model# Evera MRI S DR DDMC3D4; Medtronic, model# Evera MR1 S DR DDMC3D4; Medtronic, model# 5076-45 CapsureFix Novus MR1; Medtronic, model# 5076-45 CapsureFix Novus MRI; Medtronic, model# 6935M-55 Sprint Quattro MR1; Medtronic, model# 6935M-55 Sprint Quattro MRI.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 1587