Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released


We are performing scheduled maintenance from 8:30am to 9:30am, Monday, March 24th, Eastern time.

Organization: Health Canada

Year: 2021

Month: May

Request Number: A-2020-001803

Request Summary: Any documents related to any complaints or investigations that have been filed or undertaken in respect of these companies in accordance with the Canadian Consumer Product Safety Act and its regulations. Randolph Edition Inc. NEQ: 1173704918 Randolph Distribution Inc., NEQ: 1173704983 Randolph Pub Ludique inc., NEQ: 1175469130 Randolph Immobilier inc., NEQ: 1173704710, Randolph Franchiseur inc., NEQ: 1173704801.

Disposition: All disclosed

Number of pages: 6

Date modified: