Organization: Library and Archives Canada
Year: 2023
Month: July
Request Number: A-2021-08478
Request Summary: All and any information on the following accident. WINNIPEG, Manitoba, June 25 (Canadian Press)—Nine persons, seven of them Indian high school students, were killed yesterday when a twin-engine plane crashed and burned on a residential street shortly after taking off from Winnipeg airport. The dead included the pilot of the Beechcraft 18, owned by Ilford-Riveiton Airways. The other victim was a nurse. The plane crashed into a tree between two houses in west Winnipeg, not far from the end of the runway. Both houses were damaged in the ensuing fire, but no one on the ground was injured. The plane had taken off on a flight to Oxford House in northeastern Manitoba, Witnesses said its engines were sputtering and it appeared to be in a banking turn just before the crash. It was returning the Indian students to their homes in the North after a year of high school studies in southern Manitoba. The Library and Archives Canada has these records and I am requesting this information from them. (RG12) images 648 and 649 of this page: 135953_Boite-Box21_1972.pdf ( The complete reference is 1996-04098-7 box 3 file 5002-H-20001.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 444