Organization: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Year: 2024
Month: December
Request Number: 2A-2024-69050
Request Summary: On May 16, 2024, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada awarded a contract for $2,260,000.00 with Procurement ID number 7121221 for secure document storage, information retrieval services and document destruction services. This award was the result of an open bidding RFP process. Pursuant to the Access to Information Act, I formally request the following information: 1. **Identification of Personnel**: The names, roles, and contact information of all individuals involved in the production of the aforementioned RFP. This includes, but is not limited to, technical writers, consultants, and any other contributors. 2. **Template Source and Communications**: Details regarding any templates used in the creation of the RFP, including the origin of these templates. Please provide all communications, in any format, related to the request, provision, or utilization of these templates. 3. **Electronic Communications and Meeting Documentation**: All electronic communications related to the development, drafting, and finalization of the RFP. This request encompasses, but is not limited to, emails, Teams messages, meeting notes, minutes, and any other documentation, in any format. Additionally, please provide all communications and documentation pertaining to the evaluation and award decision process. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and request that the documents be provided within the statutory time frame. Only provide you with the final email in a chain of emails. Mark all Cabinet Confidences as non-relevant.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 324